MAM1008S - Introduction To Discrete Mathematics

18 credits at NQF level 5

Entry Requirements:


Course Outline:

This course provides a foundation for Computer Science and Applied Statistics. Many areas of Computer Science and Applied Statistics require the ability to work with concepts from discrete structures, which include topics such as set theory, logic, graph theory, and probability theory. In this course, you will learn about (1) sets, relations and functions; (2) basic logic, including propositional logic, logical connectives, truth tables, propositional inference rules and predicate logic; (3) proof techniques, including the structure of mathematical proofs, direct proofs, disproving by counterexample, proof by contradiction; (4) basics of counting, including counting arguments, the pigeonhole principle, permutations and combinations, solving recurrence relation; (5) graphs and trees; (6) discrete probability, including finite probability space, axioms of probability, conditional probability; and, (7) linear algebra, including vectors, matrices and their applications. The course is offered in a blended-learning format. Students are provided with a set of video lectures that they can watch multiple times. Student contact time is in a tutorial format aimed at reinforcing the principles introduced in the online lectures and giving students time to do exercises under the supervision of tutors.